His position
Art comes from know-how and announcements!
Against the profanation of one of mankind’s outstanding cultural achievements
“When the enormous mechanization led to the rediscovery of the homeland from the middle of the 19th century onwards, figurative painting was searching for new ways, but its overvaluation under National Socialism with the simultaneous banishment of modern art as” degenerate art “led to it after World War II a decades-long transgression of contemporary painting and an overvaluation of modern art at the other extreme: To this day, the “what and how created” is repressed by the “who created it”, with which the artist has unfortunately to live, because the postmodernism is always again a playground for charlatans. “
Excerpt from the opening speech of the annual exhibition of the “Münchener Künstler Genossenschaft 1868 royally privileged” by Prof.Dr. Hellmut Matiasek, formerly director of the Bavarian Theater Academy and director of the Staatstheater München am Gärtnerplatz.
I ask my audience to consider whether intention and execution
my works are in line and I look forward to comments.